Sunday, November 28, 2010

When the scaricity model dies

The "Made for iPod" logo found on mo...Image via WikipediaI have been watching a lot of reports about the economic shift in the entertainment industry. People talk about howthe iPod, Netflix, and Amazon have drastically changed how consumers perceive entertainment. We used to live in a world dominated by hits. What I mean is that space was limited and retailers only wanted to stock products for the lowest common denominator for people. This lead to a lot of missed opportunities and products.

Now we live in a world run by hits and misses. Both take up the same amount of space so who cares how many each sell, they are now on equal ground. If you give the consumer the ability to choose and go as deep as they want, they will find new products and niches that can make you money. This made me think about comprimises in life.

People often compromise to achieve something or to stay 'in reality'. This could be as small as not being with friends to study, or as big as changing majors because you feel like your dream job isn't financially secure. That is the scarcity model, in today's world everyone's talents can be used to make a living. Look at how many people make money blogging passionately about their topics.I believe we are in the middle of the abundance economy, which means everyone has an outlet and a chance to do what they love.
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