Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Fresh notebook syndrome

New York MoleskinImage by edwardkimuk via FlickrI always have the problem of writing in a new notebook. When I go to a bookstore I always see moleskin notebooks and think "man I could really use that to jot down some ideas". So I buy them and then they just sit on my desk. Every time an idea pops up I think "is this really notebook worthy?". If you are a fan of Seinfeld then you can relate this problem to Elaine's "Spongeworthy" dilemma. I feel like this notebook will be a pristine record of my rise from college kid to millionaire entrepreneur and I want it to be perfect.

My friend told me her solution to this is to completely destroy the first page. Write anything that comes to mind, draw anything you imagine, and just fill the page. This will negate all of your worries and allow you to write freely. Now some readers may think this is just stupid and are thinking I should just write, but its not a uncommon problem. A lot of people are held back attempting something because of the fear of failure. A lot of bloggers put off posting because they want every post to be perfect, and in the end, end up abandoning the project entirely.

My advice is to just jump in and start writing. Notebooks are meant to be imperfect, and if you edit your ideas then you might lose a good one.
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