Thursday, November 18, 2010

If you sell with sex, at least do a good job

Is there a positive way to sell with sex? Too often advertising agencies just go with something that will work, and do not really care what implications the ad will have. But a reason for them to do this is that it is effective: sex sells. Agencies have known this since the birth of advertising and why should any one campaign be looked down upon if that is the generally accepted belief? Here are some examples of good and bad advertising with sex.
 The advertisement above took a very low-brow approach to marketing its shoes. The advertisement says nothing about the shoes and just shows some attractive women. While this really doesn't cause explicit harm, it isn't helping the industry either. This ad has no real copy to be seen other than the logo, and is just used to grab attention.
 Now this is another sex sells type of ad, but at least they are mocking themselves for doing it. They blatantly  mock the images other companies use to "suggest" sex.  I actually find this ad entertaining because of the nature and the target market for this product. A body gel for men, who enjoy looking at girls. This one makes sense in its context, sure old spice could have done a different ad, but they decided that this one worked. At least they put effort into the copy and not just an image of an attractive girl.
 The difference between these two ads shows the effort put into the campaign. Old spice knew its market,  knew that they wanted to still be funny and witty, and used that image appropriately. Sketchers just wanted to get some attention on its shoes and decided the best way was for a shock image of two attractive girls to gain attention.

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