As I went through the store I was charged with energy because I was finally going to try to cook. I bought all the things I needed, a steak, oil, and a spice rub. I could see the finished product in my head and it was looking awesome. I rushed home, found a pan and began to prepare. This is where everything started going downhill.
I overheated the oil, and when I added the steak, it freaked out. I am not over exaggerating, the oil went from a calm liquid to a raging torrent of pain. Oil was flying everywhere with the loud pops of bubbles and surface tension. I quickly turned off the stove and ran to the other side of the room to avoid any more burns.
When the popping and hissing finally stopped I went in and surveyed the damage. The steak was the color of charcoal, and my kitchen was covered in oil. As I went about cleaning I thought "well the worst is out of the way, now I know what to expect". I took this failed dinner and turned it into a learning experience. I saw the extreme of error and can now work to get better. I mean, what worse could of happened trying to make a steak?
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