Tuesday, November 30, 2010

In the company of others

You are the median of your ten closet friends. This statement has changed the way I see myself. It also rings truer than the old proverb of “you are the company you keep”. It’s amazing how other people can influence your life.  

I have a friend who is the extreme bad example. He is a slacker and addicted to multiple substances, but he is still really close to me. We have a close bond some people just don’t get because we are so radically different. What I learn from him is what not to do. He treats life as an experiment, willing to do anything just to see what it feels like.  I take his mindset and try to incorporate it into my life, but just to a lesser extent.

Another friend of mine is a triple major here at SMU. I met her at AARO and ever since then she has been dedicated to the school. She is mock trial captain, a member of both a professional and social sorority, and still has time for grades. I look to her as a motivational person because she helps me keep my school in perspective.

My third friend is the idealist. Him and me can talk about new business ideas and theory craft them for hours. People say that when we are together we think every idea is the next google or Facebook, and its true. He believes in the “land of yes”. Which means you always agree until there is a good reason to disagree. This mindset is what helps me try out my new websites and business pitches. While others say “its already been done before” he says “yeah, but I can do it better”.

These are just a few of the reasons why I truly believe in the statement said above, and I think it relates to everyone. Friends are here to influence you through life, and shape who you are. So embrace it and enjoy the ride.

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