Saturday, November 27, 2010

Flight delays

Slot machines at the Las Vegas Airport baggage...Image via WikipediaSo what do you do when you find out your flight has been delayed?

Due to weather or something I will be spending four hours in the lovely Las Vegas airport. Watching people pour their money into slot machines, carry around over-sized souvenir drink glasses, and generally looking hungover; this is what I get to occupy my time with. While looking at all of these things I realized how much of an escape from life vegas is to people.

People gamble with the hopes of winning big and changing their lives, they drink to get away from inhibitions and problems. This shows just how people really want to live, and how they want to be different from their day to day lives. This made me think about how I escape my reality.

I generally like to play video games and write. These activities help me zone out and get away from all my problems like school or friend drama. I can definitely relate to the art of Flow, and it really does make a big difference in my life. Being able to focus on just one thing really helps put everything else in perspective.

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