Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Fear of your expectations

Have you ever wanted to start a new project, but the fear of failure stops you? I remember when I first got my apartment that I thought I would learn to cook. In my head I had this vision of cooking every night after class, learning new recipes, and really experimenting. The closest thing to cooking I have done all semester is baking a frozen meal in the stove. I wondered why I never attempted to cook and it was not the fact that I didnt have the time, resources, or drive. It was the fact that I didn't want to fail.
This feeling of breaking the first barrier inhibits people from doing a lot. I remember when I first wanted to start playing paintball. I kept convincing myself it was the weather, or that I was busy. But it wasn't for those reasons, its because you don't want to not leave up to your expectations.
To get over this obstacle, I realized I need to expect to fail. If you set yourself with high expectations, they will actually hold you back more than help. 

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