Thursday, September 30, 2010

Art and Copy, what I got from it

I'm sure I am in the minority when I say this....but I really enjoyed the documentary. I have always been struggling to find my place with what I want to do "when I grow up". My dad was a successful entrepreneur who graduated high school and then had to work to support his family. He managed to work hard and then came up with the idea that started his first business. Even though the business was doing really well, he sold it when I was two to help raise me. After I turned 13 he created another one and brought it from a three man team to a multimillion dollar business in four years. After living around him and seeing this story myself I decided that I would follow in his steps and create my own company.

But the struggle I had was what industry I wanted to work in. Corporate business is so traditional and set in stone that I couldn't handle even thinking of working in it.  I have always been drawn to social media and the ".com rebels:" of Silicon Valley. So after watching this documentary and seeing how these people talked about advertising, I have decided to follow my dream even harder. These influential people didn't talk about how many people they had under them, or how much money they made, instead they talked about content. They were successful because they were driven to work hard intrinsically, and that is something I admire.  I found each speaker as a source of inspiration for relentlessly working toward your goal and not regretting it. It gave me hope that if they could do this with advertising, I could do the same with whatever field I went into.

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