Thursday, September 23, 2010

Definition of: Mastery

David Belle is considered the father of free running and has inspired thousands to pick up the activity. When I look at his work the word that comes to mind is Mastery, and not just over free running. David has a mastery over his body, and his limitations. He knows his body more than most people ever will, and can understand how to use it in creative ways. David also has mastery over his environment. He does not see walls as restrictions, but instead as a vehicle for movement, as a challenge, as something to use. He has a different view of the world, and can see opportunities for creativity that others cannot.
I see him as an inspiration because I picked up the sport after watching him and have used the principles of free running in life. When I am held back by something I try to see how I can use it to motivate me instead of trying to avoid it. Also, the constant pushing of my limits has really helped me feel more familiar with myself.

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