Wednesday, September 29, 2010

social psych lab happenings

Today I had my extra credit appointment at the Holden lab. I was told the test would include me watching a video while hooked up to some monitors to see how I am feeling during it. The initial survey was about parents and abuse so when the video started and it was about how to write a paper, I was a little confused. After the clip ended the person monitoring me got agitated and told me that I must have messed with the equipment and that I had to rewatch the clip. At first I was surprised by how he was acting and then it hit me, that he was the test. The true measurement was how I reacted to negative comments about my actions, and how that affected me.

What I realized today was how fast I process my surroundings and compare them to previous experiences.  After his comments I realized that someone conducting an experiment would never treat a voluntary subject that way, which triggered my previous thoughts on how this reacted to my parents and how they raised me. As humans we all want to take the unknown and make it more manageable by  comparing it to what we already know. An example is how we compare new foods to ones we already know, or how we relate bands to each other. I guess this experiment just made me realize how fast your mind can process situations when you aren't even aware what is happening.

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