Wednesday, October 6, 2010


"I know they are wrong but why should I be the one that stops it?"
This sentence and others like it are one of the biggest detriments to innovation.  People in meetings do not stand up for an idea because they do not want to be against everyone, people do not speak up for whats right if everyone around them is staying silent. Its things like this that really hold us back as a society. Its the people who see this situation but still speak up who help push our culture to new edges.
This made me think about college and how much people use this rationalization to support what they do. People black out because they think its what they are supposed to be doing at this age. They see the image of cramming for test and partying and decide if that's how everyone else is doing college, that they should too. Another example is greek life. Different fraternities and sororities have stereotypes. And when people join these they begin to shift their lives to fit this scripts, in order to fit in with the rest of the group. I am not saying that every greek does this, but it does happen.
I feel like our culture needs to support the radical, the one who stands up for themselves, but at this time this isn't the case. 

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