Thursday, December 2, 2010

What I learned from our documentary

1) editing is time consuming:
While filming we kept coming up with awesome ideas for music, scene changes, and overall polish for the project. It wasn't until we actually had to add them that we realized how hard it would be. We needed to make every shot feel like a smooth transition to the next, make sure the music wasn't too overpowering, and somehow get three different audio clips on top of each other. Suffice to say, it was quite a challenge.

2) film is much harder than theatre:
I did theater in high school and after this experience, I can without a doubt say its easier and less stressful than film. A camera isn't a live audience, so you feel so much pressure to redo every scene to make it just perfect. I can't tell you how many times we did some scenes because one of us felt like we stuttered or was out of character.

3) bloopers are hilarious:
While this project was hard and time consuming, it was also a lot of fun. When we messed up shots we laughed and had a good time. Some days of shooting seemed more like a group just hanging out, instead of a school project.

4) acting is the weirdest way to meet someone:
 Coming into the project I knew no one in my group. At first I thought this was going to be a hard challenge to overcome, but it ended up being really interesting. It felt like those cheesy AARO icebreaker sessions. We were so out of our comfort zones that we felt better around each other. Watching Frank do poetry, lauren do math, and kevin dance really showed us some quirky talents. We had a much easier time talking after working together like this.

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