Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Fake ice, fake people

Ever see something that looks real, but is actually fake? I saw a bucket of ice and was thinking "oh man, that's a bucket of ice" but it ended up being a prop. The initial feeling of shock and let down can be really similar to when you find out a person's attitude or something you like about them is actually fake.

Sometimes people act in certain ways to get friends, but they end up just being a visage and then get enveloped in it. One of my closer friends pretended to like music they really didn't just so he could impress a girl. While at first this seems harmless, you can see how it could cause a lot of problems.

People who lie about one trait are more than likely to end up lying about other traits. And before they know it they are a completely different person, and are too worried about what the others would think so they never fess up to who they truly are. If everyone was able to just be truthful, then we wouldn't have to worry about being wary of people's traits.

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