Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Its not "us vs them", it's we.

In high school I thought it was me and my friends against the rest of the school. We were the rebels who didn't want to conform and looked down on most of the people on campus. I realized junior year that I was horribly wrong.
  What gave us this mentality was our numbers. We had around ten of us and that made us feel secure. We carved a niche and stuck to it. One day in gym I was talking to a girl who wasn't "one of us". I asked her why everyone didn't get along at our school. She then said what really changed my life "We all do, yall just choose to ignore it". I then realized that my friends just perpetuated this self isolation, but we never bothered to figure out why we did it.
   I went to my friends and told them what I thought and they had a rather negative reaction. They thought I was only listening to her because I was into her and wanted to date her. They quickly put the ultimatum that it was them or her. After much deliberation I decided that I was not going to spend the rest of my time with them and left. This was the best decision of my high school life.
   I quickly realized that there was an entire world I was just shutting out and that I had many experiences and opportunities for friends waiting, but I was the one shunning them. This change lead me to become the outgoing, social person I am today, instead of the jaded loner I used to be.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Inspiration Bicycle: the Power of Persistence

   This video shows the power of music and the master of an art-form.  Danny MacAskill, the bike rider in this video, shows off his dedication and talent with the bicycle. The beginning of this video starts by showing him practicing a specific stunt. The use of this scene shows that even a skilled rider has to put a lot of effort to get a trick right and can even fail at times. The song then hits its crescendo and from then on it is a amazing ride with Danny through the city of Edinburgh.
  I enjoy parkour and other extreme sports and what we strive for is to have our instruments, as well as the city, be extensions of ourselves. This is what this video truly shows and highlights. Danny and his bike become one and you can tell through both the way he moves and the emotion when he crashes and is fixing his bike. Its the "get up and try again" mentality that keeps all extreme sports people going.
   I will be posting a lot of videos like this and talk about how the sports have impacted my life, but I really wanted to highlight this one as my first post because of the power that this video holds. I feel like it can inspire everyone who watches, just like it inspired me to keep pushing myself in parkour.
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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

First Post

Logic is the begining of "creative" ...Image by RabiD Son via FlickrHey everyone, this is my first post for my blog. This blog will be for my intro to creativity class and will be where I post my ideas on the subject.
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